ATTOS MILAN STORE is located on the fashionable Via della Spiga street in the fashion capital of Italy, Milan. Surrounded by flagship stores of top-tier brands, ATTOS MILAN STORE shines with its unique heritage and charm.

The store's design draws inspiration from the Bible, and it's truly unique, almost like stepping into historical scenes recorded in the Bible. The walls of the store are adorned with hundreds of wooden doors collected from various places in Italy, as if conveying the message that "life is made up of countless choices."

  • Scene 1:THE BOOK

    Upon entering through the main door, the first scene is called "THE BOOK," the Book of Life. The walls are adorned with aged pages from the Bible. Through this Book of Life, we embark on the journey of life.

  • Scene 2: CREATION

    As you continue to walk deeper, the wooden door walls turn white again. Among the many white wooden doors, there is one golden-yellow wooden door that stands out, symbolizing "Creation." In front of the golden door, there is a plant representing the "Tree of Life," an actual olive tree, with angle bags hanging from it, symbolizing fruit.

  • Scene 3: TEMPTATION

    A grand hall composed of white wooden doors, with a black old wooden door placed in the center, symbolizing "TEMPTATION."

    In the center of the store, a long table replicates the scene of "The Last Supper" from the Bible. On the table, there are 12 cups, with the one in the middle being red, symbolizing Christ seated in the center, about to complete the greatest redemption in human history with His own life.

  • Scene 4:PASSION

    Proceeding to the next area, the wooden doors instantly turn black, with one red wooden door among them, symbolizing "Passion" and redemption. God's Son, Jesus Christ, was crucified on the cross as an innocent substitute for the guilty, and His precious blood entered into the darkness of sin, opening a door of life for those trapped in sin.